분류 전체보기1236 쥴리앙 슈나벨 JULIAN SCHNABEL 2008.3.27~4.20 현대갤러리 http://www.galleryhyundai.com/ 2008. 4. 10. Nan Goldin http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/goldin_nan.html wrote: “My art was the diary of my life. I photographed the people around me. I didn’t think of them as people with AIDS. About ’85, I realized that many of the people around me were positive. David Armstrong took an incredible picture of Kevin, his lover at the time, right before Kevin went into the hospital. I photographed him when he was he.. 2008. 4. 9. 고양미술창작스튜디오 국제교환보고展 Home&Away 고양미술창작스튜디오 전시실www.artstudio.or.kr 참여작가 박용식 / PARKYONGSIK / 朴庸植 / photography.sculpture / 4기 오상택 / OHSANGTAEK / 吳尙澤 / photography / 4기 Tomas Ribas / newmedia / Brasil. Sacatar Foundation Pierre FILLIQUET / photography / France. CEAAC 2008_0411 ▶ 2008_0420박용식_Blurring the borderline_종이에 잉크_79×109cm_2008_부분 박용식_Dog and Wine bottle_디지털 프린트_2008_부분 Pierre Filliquet_Korean lights_70×70cm_200.. 2008. 4. 9. 신용구展 / SHINYONGGU / 愼傭邱 / performance 현의 변주 초대일시_2008_0418 ▶ 2008_0420 07:30pm 청계천 청계광장-광통교● 전시기간 매일 07:30pm에 영상, 설치, 퍼포먼스가 결합된 공연이 있습니다. 참여작가 신용구(퍼포먼스 아티스트) 권수임(현대무용)_신미아(퍼포먼스 아티스트)_정정호(영상작가)_손성훈(음악)_이나경(의상) 2008_0418 ▶ 2008_0420 2008. 4. 9. 유기종展 / YOOGIJONG / 劉基鐘 / potography Weight Of A Soul_존재의 무게 갤러리 공유_GALLERY GONGYOU www.gongyouart.com 2008_0410 ▶ 2008_0518 2008. 4. 9. 이주형展 / RHEEJOOHYEONG / 李宙亨 / painting NAME 2008_0410 ▶ 2008_0419 아트포럼 뉴게이트ARTFORUM NEWGATE www.forumnewgate.co.kr 2008. 4. 9. 이전 1 ··· 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 ··· 206 다음