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북유럽 르네상스-Pieter Bruegel the Elder 피터브뤼겔 BRUEGEL, Pieter the Elder (b. ca. 1525, Breughel, d. 1569, Bruxelles) 브뤼겔이 살았던 16세기는 르네상스 황금기로, Pieter Bruegel (about 1525-69), usually known as Pieter Bruegel the Elder to distinguish him from his elder son, was the first in a family of Flemish painters. He spelled his name Brueghel until 1559, and his sons retained the "h" in the spelling of their names. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, general.. 2020. 5. 26.
북유럽 르네상스-Hans Holbein the Younger Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8 - 1543) Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543). Born in Augsburg, Bavaria, Hans received his first lessons in art from his father. In 1515 the younger Holbein went to Basel, Switzerland, with his brother, Ambrosius. Among the many scholars living in Basel at that time was the famous Dutch humanist Erasmus, who befriended the young artist and asked him to illustrate.. 2020. 5. 26.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo(1527-1593) 프라하... Spring. 1573. Oil on canvas. Louvre, Paris, France. Summer. 1573. Oil on canvas. Louvre, Paris, France. Autumn. 1573. Oil on canvas. Louvre, Paris, France Winter. 1573. Oil on canvas. Louvre, Paris, France. Giuseppe Arcimboldo at Artprice. To look at auction records, find Arcimboldo's works in upcoming auctions, check price levels and indexes for his works, read his biography and view his signat.. 2020. 5. 26.
marc chagall 마르크 샤갈 (1887~1985) 러시아 유대인 화가 마르크 샤갈의 대표작은 프랑스 파리 오페라 하우스 천정화1963년 샤갈의 성서화의 내용은 1. 유대 민족의 성조 2. 유대 왕국 건설에 이바지한 인물들 3. 예언자들... 그의 고향은 러시아 바테브스크 Small Drawing Room. 1908. Oil on paper mounted on cardboard. 22.5 x 29. Private collection. Study for the painting "Rain". 1911. Gouache and pencil on cardboard. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. The Poet, or Half Past Three (Le poète, ou Half Past T.. 2020. 5. 18.
*현대미술은 왜 현대미술인가? 1.현대미술의 개념 Modern Art-근대 미술, 또는 현대미술/ 포괄적이고 상대적 의미: 15세기 르네상스 시대의 사람들도 자신들의 시대를 modern이라 칭함. Contemporary Art- 동시대 미술/20세기미술∼현재 2. 현대미술로 가는 길잡이 19세기 근대 사회의 태동과 미술의 전개 과정은 밀접한 관계를 맺음: 산업혁명, 도시의 발 달, 과학과 기술의 발전, 자본주의의 정착. 1, 2차 세계대전. 1) 현대 미술은 이전 미술과 어떻게 다를까? 현대 미술 이전의 미술은 시각적 사실을 충분히 재현하는데 목적이 있었음. -착시(illusion): 2차원의 평면을 3차원의 현실처럼 보이게 할 것./원근법, 명암법 등 -사실주의(realism): 사실주의는 19세기 미술운동으로서의 Realism과 .. 2020. 5. 18.
르네상스전성기 : Raphael라파엘로 Timeline: The High Renaissance 라파엘로는 우르비노의 궁정화가였던 아버지의 도움으로 성격이 온화하고 감성이 풍부한 천재화가가 되었다. Italian in full RAFFAELLO SANZIO (b. April 6, 1483, Urbino, Duchy of Urbino [Italy]--d. April 6, 1520, Rome, Papal States [Italy]), master painter and architect of the Italian High Renaissance. Raphael is best known for his Madonnas and for his large figure compositions in the Vatican in Rome. His work is adm.. 2020. 5. 18.
북유럽 르네상스-Hieronymus Bosch(고딕) Hieronymus Bosch(1450-1516) Bosch’s pictures have always fascinated viewers, but in earlier centuries it was widely assumed that his diabolic scenes were intended merely to amuse or titillate, most people regarded him as “the inventor of monsters and chimeras’. Philip II, though, collected his works more for education than for entertainment. A Dutch art historian in the early 17th century descri.. 2020. 5. 18.
Titian (1488/90 - 1576) Titian or Tiziano Vecellio was born in a small alpine village of Pieve di Cadore, now not far from the Austrian border, where his family lived for many years. His parents, Lucia and Gregorio di Conte dei Vecelli, were respectable people of modest means. In about 1498, at the age of nine or ten, Titian and his elder brother Francesco were sent to Venice to start their training as.. 2020. 5. 18.
북유럽르네상스-Dürer, Albrecht Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) Timeline: Northern Renaissance I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of all men. -- Dürer, Four Books on Human Proportions, 1528 Dürer, Albrecht (b. May 21, 1471, Imperial Free City of Nürnberg [Germany]--d. April 6, 1528, Nürnberg), German painter, printmaker, draughtsman and art theorist, generally regarded as the greatest German Renai.. 2020. 5. 18.