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르네상스전성기 : Raphael라파엘로 Timeline: The High Renaissance 라파엘로는 우르비노의 궁정화가였던 아버지의 도움으로 성격이 온화하고 감성이 풍부한 천재화가가 되었다. Italian in full RAFFAELLO SANZIO (b. April 6, 1483, Urbino, Duchy of Urbino [Italy]--d. April 6, 1520, Rome, Papal States [Italy]), master painter and architect of the Italian High Renaissance. Raphael is best known for his Madonnas and for his large figure compositions in the Vatican in Rome. His work is adm.. 2020. 5. 18.
북유럽 르네상스-Hieronymus Bosch(고딕) Hieronymus Bosch(1450-1516) Bosch’s pictures have always fascinated viewers, but in earlier centuries it was widely assumed that his diabolic scenes were intended merely to amuse or titillate, most people regarded him as “the inventor of monsters and chimeras’. Philip II, though, collected his works more for education than for entertainment. A Dutch art historian in the early 17th century descri.. 2020. 5. 18.
Titian (1488/90 - 1576) Titian or Tiziano Vecellio was born in a small alpine village of Pieve di Cadore, now not far from the Austrian border, where his family lived for many years. His parents, Lucia and Gregorio di Conte dei Vecelli, were respectable people of modest means. In about 1498, at the age of nine or ten, Titian and his elder brother Francesco were sent to Venice to start their training as.. 2020. 5. 18.
북유럽르네상스-Dürer, Albrecht Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) Timeline: Northern Renaissance I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of all men. -- Dürer, Four Books on Human Proportions, 1528 Dürer, Albrecht (b. May 21, 1471, Imperial Free City of Nürnberg [Germany]--d. April 6, 1528, Nürnberg), German painter, printmaker, draughtsman and art theorist, generally regarded as the greatest German Renai.. 2020. 5. 18.
우울한가요? 서울대학교미술관 www.snumoa.org/ 2020. 5. 18.
수평의 축 국립현대미술관www.mmca.go.kr http://www.mmca.go.kr www.mmca.go.kr 2020. 5. 13.
르네상스 초기-얀 반 아이크 Timeline: Gothic Innovation in the North 벨기에와 네덜란드 지역을 플랑드르라 불렀다. 북유럽에서는 얀 반 에이크가 거울을 이용하여 사실성을 부각시키고 세세한 부분을 그리기 위해 유화를 발명하였다. 은 사진과 같은 가장 유명한 초상화이다. Eyck, Jan van (b. before 1395, Maaseik, Bishopric of Li?e, Holy Roman Empire [now in Belgium]--d. before July 9, 1441, Bruges), Flemish painter who perfected the newly developed technique of oil painting. His naturalistic panel paintings, mostly p.. 2020. 5. 11.
르네상스전성기: Leonardo DA VINCI Timeline: The High Renaissance 르네상스 전성기에는 건축가 브라만테의 템피에토와 르네상스 전성기의 최고 3대 예술가 레오나르도 다 빈치, 미켈란젤로, 라파엘로가 있다. 레오나르도 다 빈치는 르네상스 인간이라 불리 우는 천재로 모든 사물의 근본인 물, 불, 공기, 땅에 관련된 분야의 전문가로서, 예술뿐만 아니라 해부학, 물리학, 의학 자연과학 등 다방면으로 창작활동을 보였다. 그의 작품으로는 와 이 있다. 레오나르도 다 빈치Leonardo DA VINCI (b. 1452, Vinci, Republic of Florence [now in Italy]--d. May 2, 1519, Cloux, Fr.), Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, archit.. 2020. 5. 11.