분류 전체보기1236 서울미디어시티비엔날레 좋은 삶 Eu Zên 2018Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018 sema.seoul.go.kr 이번에 저희들이 준비한 이 '좋은 삶'을 토론할 '아고라'로 여러분을 모십니다. 2018. 9. 10. LONDON ALICE IN WONDERLAND2015photography HOMMAGE2013collage, white pencil, on paper29.7x42cm RESIDUE2011collage on paper29.7x42cm BIOGRAPHY AYOUNG KOO where she currently lives and works in seoul, She studied Graduating in ART HISTORY from M.F.A. in Sungsin University.she moved to NY, PRINCETON, BOSTON, where she lives and works.she studied prints, photograph at the Chugye University. In recent.. 2018. 8. 20. 올해의 작가상 2018 Korea Artist Prize 2018 www.mmca.go.kr 2018. 8. 14. ‘E.A.T.(Experiments in Art and Technology)’ http://www.mmca.go.kr/pr/blogDetail.do?bId=201806040000071 ‘E.A.T.(Experiments in Art and Technology)’ 2018. 7. 30. Erwin Wurm : One Minute Forever http://storage.hyundaicard.com/exhibition/current.do 2018. 7. 30. “오늘, 당신의 날씨는 어떤가요?” http://www.daelimmuseum.org/dmuseum/onViewTab1.do 2018. 7. 29. 이전 1 ··· 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ··· 206 다음