@artnstory 2008. 1. 17. 17:04
독일 상징주의  부터 20세기 후반까지  "사랑"을 주제로 다룬 현대 미술 전이라.
흥미로운 기획전이다, 기획 아이디어를 잡을 수 있을 만큼 주제의 컨셉도 좋고, 내용도 많다.
하트를 다룬 '짐다인' 작품도 떠오르고...

2007.10. 5~2008.2.3

True Romance
Allegories of Love from the Renaissance to the Present
October 05th, 2007 - February 03rd, 2008

"True Romance" is the Kunsthalle Wien's big autumn exhibition in the general theme of LOVE, DEATH and TRAUMA.
The joint project with the Kunsthalle zu Kiel and the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich will celebrate its "premiere" in autumn with the opening at the Kunsthalle Wien.
In addition to major contemporary artists such as Marina Abramovic, Tracey Emin, VALIE EXPORT, Nan Goldin, Martin Kippenberger, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Cy Twombly (and many more) works byGiorgione, Pieter de Hooch, Gustav Klimt, Adriaen van der Werff, and others can be seen.

When we speak of love, we immediately activate a flood of images in our minds. We think of passionate reverence and hardened feelings, of the heart that has frozen to ice or burst into flames. Emotions range from feeling on the top of the world to a sense of morbid gloom. These readily available metaphors of love are not inventions of the advertising and film industries. Their roots reach far back to the beginnings of modern Western culture.
The exhibition True Romance traces how this “great emotion” is articulated in the fine arts. The starting point is the Canzoniere of the early humanist Francesco Petrarca. The majority of the exhibition is modern, but the show attempts to draw parallels between historical topoi, such as the mythological personification of Amor and Venus, and contemporary art practice. The exhibition brings together paintings, videos, installations, sculptures, and drawings depicting people hugging, kissing, closely entwined, and getting married, celebrating the depth of great emotion, its frailty in symbolic and feasible failure. New ways of praising love range from intimate pictures culled directly from everyday life through to allegorical pieces that work with the virtuality of new media.

Curator: Belinda Grace Gardner, Hamburg
Curators, Kunsthalle Wien: Angela Stief, Gerald Matt

Scientific Comitée: Michael Buhrs (Museum Villa Stuck, Munich), Dirk Luckow (Kunsthalle zu Kiel), and Gerald Matt (Kunsthalle Wien)

"True Romance" is a project produced by the Kunsthalle zu Kiel and the Schleswig-Holstein Kunstverein in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien and Museum Villa Stuck, Munich.

Further venues:
21 February, 2008 – 18 May, 2008
Museum Villa Stuck, Munich

31 May, 2008 – 9 September, 2008
Kunsthalle zu Kiel der Christian-Albrechts-Universität