Exhibition/Installation & Sculpture

Multi Effect 다중 효과

@artnstory 2010. 5. 13. 23:09

2010_0514 ▶ 2010_0604 /갤러리 인_GALLERY IHN 서울 종로구 팔판동 141번지www.galleryihn.com
 배준성_The Costume of Painter-Doodling on the wall Ro, romeo & juliet couple_ 캔버스에 유채, 렌티큘러_162.2×130.3cm_2010김기라_Still life with Coca Cola_캔버스에 유채_60×91cm_2010 홍성철_string Mirror ww 001_print on elastic string, steel frame_120×220×15cm_2010 김남표_Instant Landscape-photo #4_artificial fur and charcoal on canvas_198.8×239.3cm_2010 김동유_Ingrid Bergman(Humprey Bogart)_캔버스에 유채_162.2×130.3cm_2010김범수_Hidden Emotion_필름, 아크릴, 레진_310×450×50cm_2008